How To Prevent Termites From Coming Back?

Did you know that termite colonies are huge so much that they can number up to a million? Unfortunately, a large portion this population consists of swarms, workers and soldiers who can cause damage to your property. What makes them a tough lot to handle is the fact that they reproduce quickly with the queen laying over a thousand eggs per day. So, you need an elaborate plan to protect your residential and commercial property from the destruction posed by the termites.

Singapore’s beautiful, warm climate is what contributes to thriving of termites. If you have had a previous encounter with them, then you know how focused they are on destroying any property in their path. They are efficient, amazingly fast, and the last thing you want to be doing is to make their work easier. Before thinking of preventing the termites, it is important to know the conditions that make them thrive. Check them out below:

• Water

This is a no brainer. Most living creatures cannot survive without a source of water. You are more likely get a colony of termites in a damp place than you would in dry conditions. Leaking pipes and faucets within and around your home coupled with precipitation from the weather is what makes the termites survive in those unseen places.

• Soil

All termites are pretty much subterranean. So, they build their colonies and thrive underground where they are hidden from our sight. They are so good such that they build elaborate systems that allow for proper drainage, ventilation and underground movement. As if that is not all, they can build galleries extending four feet below the ground and link the mud channels to the surface where they can find food.

• Wood

Termites love to devour any natural material that contains cellulose. Since the most available natural source of this food substance is wood, they are more likely to be found in timber and associated structures. These destructive insects also thrive on humus, dung and vegetation. However, their primary target is always wood. Often, if you flip a piece of wood that has been on the ground for a while, you will certainly find termites below.
Now that you have some background knowledge on termites let’s cut right to the chase on tips to prevent termites from coming back to your home.

• Fix water leaks

As you will soon realize, a water leak will cost you more than a hefty bill. A leaking faucet or a drainage pipe is an invitation to the termites. The worker termites will detect water leaking from your home, and they will move closer. Any inch closer to your home and you could be counting a lot of unprecedented losses. By simply fixing all the water leaks in your home, you remove one of the termite survival needs.

• Drain any pooling water

Health experts discourage stagnant water around the home environment. Most people would think this is done to eliminate mosquitoes only, but what you have never known is the fact that termites and other insects are also included in the dangerous list. Remove the water by creating small drainages that draw the water away from your home or any structure that is prone to attack by the mosquitoes.

• Clear growth around the building

Undergrowth and brushes around the home harbor moisture that attracts termites and other insects. Such undergrowth close to the ground together with humus provides food that termites veraciously love to devour. Disappoint the termites as much as possible by clearing any small undergrowth around your home especially those that are close to the structures such as the wall, fence or any other part of the house.

• Seek professional help

Termite treatment professionals are people who are skilled in dealing with termites. These are people and companies that are not only experienced but have the right tools to deal with this problem. You can get prevention advice or get their service altogether. If you chose to hire their service, they will visit your residential or commercial property and do an analysis. From here, they will implement policies that can go a long way in keeping termites away. You will notice that the company will be sending a team to check regularly your home for any developments, especially the termite prone areas.

• Store pieces of wood away

Whereas it is reasonable to keep timber and other pieces of wood close to the building for easy access, this is not exactly a good idea. With Singapore’s warm climate, no piece of wood can stay for over a week without being infested with termites. You might, therefore, want to keep sawdust away from your house and pieces of wood some height above the ground. The national pest body recommends that you keep all wooden materials at least 20 feet from the house. If you must keep wood on the ground, ensure that you treat each and every piece so that it is not edible by the termites.

• Avoid using mulch

Try as much as possible to avoid using mulch around your home. Mulch has moisture and is food for the termites. Some stores sell rubber mulch. Look out for this type of mulch if you have to use mulch on plants around the home. They are efficient in terms of the functionality and are also instrumental in keeping termites away from your home.

• Seal cracks

Cracks in the house pose a risk not only from termites but also other insects such as ants. Holes and cracks around the home give a leeway for prospecting termites to get into your home. You will be surprised at the damage that termites can inflict on your property given a water leak and availability of a food source.

• Ventilate your home

Ensure that air moves freely all-around the home especially those areas that are inaccessible such as crawl spaces and the attic. Proper ventilation in and around the home prevents moisture build-up that can encourage the termite colony to thrive.

The truth of the matter is that do-it-yourself tricks for termite prevention can only go so far. They may not be able to counter serious infestations, especially in termite-prone areas. If by any chance you notice anything unusual or suspect that you have an infestation, do not hesitate to call a professional termite management service. They will thoroughly examine your home and take the necessary action to remedy the situation.