Infestation by bed bugs is a very common problem all over the world. Any home can be entered by these pesky bugs. This is in part due to the constant travel and contact among people. For instance, if you slept in a hotel infested by bugs, there’s a possibility that you can take some of these bugs with you when you get back home. This is because bugs can cling to anything, from clothes, to bags, and even electronic gadgets like laptops and cellphones. It’s often too difficult to detect them when you are on the move. However, bed bugs can be effectively controlled if you are knowledgeable on the procedures that you need to do.
The country of Singapore also suffers from lots of bed bug infestations. Many homes in the island city-state often encounter these pesky bugs. If you think that your home is infested by these bugs, there are certain ways you can do to verify if they do exist. Below are some tips on how can you detect bed bugs at home in Singapore:
1. The first thing you need to do is check if you or any of the members of your family have bite marks. These marks are usually small reddish spots in the skin. If you wake up in the morning and see these marks on your skin even though you went to sleep last night without them, there’s a possibility that there are indeed bed bugs in your home. Furthermore, if you feel discomfort at night from itchiness, this could be due to the bugs sucking up your blood.
2. Turn off the lights in your bedroom then use a strong flashlight to check your bed pillows and mattresses for signs of bedbugs. Check everything like sheets, throw pillows, dust ruffles and comforters. Look for blood spots or fecal droppings left by the bed bugs. These spots are either reddish or dark brown in color. If you find these blood spots, immediately clean up your bed room and gets rid of all the mattresses and pillows for extensive cleaning.
3. You should also check the bed itself. Whether it’s a wooden or metal bed, try to look into the cracks and spaces for signs of the bugs. Comb over the frame of the bed, especially in the underside as this is a favorite hiding spot for bugs.
4. Last but not the least, you should also check other places and furniture in your home. These include cabinets, sofas, chairs, appliances, cushions, and even picture frames. Remember that bugs can hide anywhere. You should also look into cracks or spaces in your walls and floorboards. If your home has a mini-library or bookshelves, these are common hiding places for bugs. That said, you should meticulously check it as well for signs of blood spots or fecal droppings.
If you are able to verify that there are indeed bed bugs in your Singapore home, what you need to do is immediately call a bed bug company or professional to take care of the problem. An experienced and knowledgeable bug exterminator can getsy rid of these bugs for you and restore comfort and safety in your home.